At Vesternet we’ve never been a fan of automated locks – they’ve either been absolute monstrosities that even the most ardent of DIY’ers would struggle to fit or they’ve required [...]
A.B.C. always Be Charging. We’re always on the lookout for great charging tech. Here’s a variety of Belkin surge protectors that are offered with either 1, 2 or 8 mains sockets plus [...]
comfort have just revealed a new lower-cost system… “We are delighted to annouce the arrival of the new comfort ‘Entry’ manage Panel. So comfort is now available in 3 models, [...]
I’ve had Macs for a decade now. gotten my very first one (a G4 mini) after enjoying the this Jobsnote launching it in January 2005. I gotten my second Mac in the summertime [...]
For those seeking some design inspiration, Instagram can be a #housegoals gold mine. We wanted to share a handful of our top picks ideal now, so we scoured some of our [...]
Last month we took a look at the Eve Degree, this time it’s the turn of the new second generation Eve room (model ZM-51946). Eve room 2 is an air [...]
Here’s an interesting podcast I stumbled across. host Nico Johnson interviews Stefan Grosjean about the new Smappee plus device which uses Non-Intrusive load monitoring (NILM) to listen for the energy [...]
So this one’s a bit of a tease. If you’re on the look out for a Z-Wave doorbell then exactly how does this sound… Load the Aeotec doorbell with your preferred tunes [...]
news from HomeSeer… “HomeSeer version 1.7 has been released. a few of the greatest modifications include touch screen support by means of the new TouchPad plugin. While not limited to [...]
As we mentioned in part 2, the Automated Home’s base line energy consumption is terrible. There’s no point creating all this energy and then throwing it away. But which are the [...]